When I became fascinated by the Enneagram theory of personality, I thought it would be very helpful if I could develop an assessment tool that would measure personality traits as well as Enneagram personality types. In 1995, I took it as a personal challenge to develop an assessment that would objectively and consistently help individuals identify their personality and behavioral strengths as well as their weaknesses or vulnerabilities. Over 1500 individuals have taken my assessment with 90% + agreeing that BETA accurately identifies the type that they think is most like them (their Essence).

BETA consists of 288 items that describe strengths and vulnerabilities related to each of the nine types. It is completed here on our website, and the results are emailed to you in the form of a Report. The cost of the BETA Report is $15 and includes the following:

  • An overview of the type
  • The Perceptual World View of the type (the “shoulds” that this type has for self and others)
  • The strengths of the type
  • Your self-acknowledged strengths*
  • How your strengths if overused can become your weaknesses*
  • The weaknesses/potential vulnerabilities of the type
  • Your self-acknowledged weaknesses/vulnerabilities*
  • Life challenges or developmental issues on which you could work to keep yourself functioning at a healthy level

*These items are unique to the BETA Report and not available with other assessments.

The creation of an assessment to accurately identify an individual’s personality type is a difficult and time-consuming task. When I created Butler’s Enneagram Type Assessment (BETA), I wanted the instrument to be reliable--to be consistent in providing results over time. That is, if you take the assessment in January and it is determined that your Core Type is Type One, your Core Type will still be Type One when you take the assessment again six months to one year later. The length of an assessment is related to the reliability of the results. The more items there are that measure traits related to the type, the less chance there is that responding to any item differently than you did the first time you took the assessment will affect the overall results of the assessment. This is why a professionally designed assessment will give you more accurate results than the one you find in a magazine at the grocery store.

Furthermore, I wanted the assessment to be valid: to measure what it purports to measure. That is, if the instrument is said to measure personality traits that comprise a type, that is exactly what it measures. By analyzing the results of hundreds of individuals that have taken BETA, I can determine if certain traits do indeed consistently constitute a major part of a particular type. Any traits that are not consistently being endorsed by individuals who are known to be a given type can then be eliminated and replaced with items that provide better results. I began the creation of Butler’s Enneagram Type Assessment in 1995, and I continue to analyze the response tendencies of participants to specific items.

It is important to note that no assessment tool is ever 100% accurate. There will always be some error in measurement, particularly in the assessment of personality. Furthermore, no theory or model of personality perfectly describes all aspects of an individual. Each of the nine Enneatypes is not intended to be a rigid category or stereotype. This is why I always recommend that you consider my assessment or any other assessment of personality type to be a starting point for further in-depth exploration of who you are and why you behave the way that you do.

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